Useful Information from other Services
Many services which we engage to support children with SEND at Orford produce flyers or webinars that you may find useful at home. FInd the most up to date ones here:
Dyslexia Outreach Team
This team have been busy producing a range of leaflets for parents and carers on strategies to use at home - many of these will be applicable for children who struggle with reading and writing, not just children specifically identified as 'dyslexic'.. They are also planning on running half-termly webinars for parents - watch this space for more information.
SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice & Support Service)
SENDIASS provide free, valuable advice on a range of topics for parents and carers of children with any special educational need. They have a range of leaflets linked on their website and have also been producing webinars.
Their next planned webinar in on specific learning disabilities - you can see information about this and how to sign up here.