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Orford CEVA Primary School


CEVA Primary School

School Council

All of the children at Orford CEVA Primary School are part of the Whole School Council. Representatives from each year group (plus a chair and secretary from year 6) meet monthly to discuss a whole range of issues which reflect the needs of the children in their classes.

The children are encouraged to view themselves as active citizens who can share ideas and inform the change process in their school.

School council have come up with a set of rules which every member agrees to.


1. Remember to attend meetings.

2. Listen to each other. 

3. Make sure everyone gets a copy of the minutes.

4. Be prepared to be the voice of fellow pupils.

5. Always behave positively.


So far this year we have discussed (or are discussing) the following topics:

  • Position of wildlife table and suggested rota
  • Macmillan Coffee Morning
  • Started Comic Club (suggested and led independently by the school council)
  • Beginning computing club for all ages (run entirely by school council)
  • Running a Christmas event for the whole school
  • Poppy Appeal in School
  • Ideas to improve the school

In the school hall we have a "You said.... we did" board where the results of any actions taken are posted and shared.

We also have our current question/topic on display.

Previous School council achievements (2022 - 2023)

  • How to repurpose the secret garden (result: our brand new Prayer Garden!)
  • Charities to support this year (result: Macmillan Coffee Morning)
  • Organising and hosting a Christmas Movie night for the whole school
  • How to improve the 'Golden Table' reward system at lunch times