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Orford CEVA Primary School


CEVA Primary School

OSLoF letter

An important communication from OSLoF

Friday 27th January

Dear Parent/Carer

Thank you to those of you who attended the AGM of Orford School League of Friends (OSLoF) yesterday.

Sadly, Mrs Jo Ogilvie has decided to step down as Chair; we are therefore seeking a replacement. We have had an offer from one mum to manage the position jointly with another person –could you be this person?

It is desperately important to our school that OSLoF continues, and not just for the money raised. Being an active member fosters a community spirit for which Orford School is so well known, and it’s a great way to meet with and share time with other families. And yes, the funds made available to the school have enhanced the experience of school life for every child  here: subsidised educational visits, provided play time toys and games, books, and storytelling facilities for the field are just the things achieved this year.

Please make every effort to come to a meeting on 6th February at 6.30pm at the King’s Head, Orford. The main purpose of this meeting will be to plan for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday 15th April. This event is the biggest fundraiser for OSLoF, but it does require a team of volunteers. With only 4 active committee members it is far too big an event to arrange unless more people step forward. Without your help, it will not go ahead, and there is every likelihood that another local group would step into the void to take over an event that raises over £500 in 2 hours!

If you would like any more information, please contact any member of the committee: Sara Felton (Lola and Charlie’s mum), Amanda Davis (Amber and Lexie’s mum) or Dawn Philips (Ruby’s mum)

Your sincerely

Mrs Vanessa Wells

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