URGENT - 5th January 2021
Urgent information for parents regarding school opening tomorrow.
Following the sudden announcement at 8pm this evening, which schools had not been pre-warned about, we will be moving to online learning until further notice, which we will send out via Tapestry as soon as possible.
We will be contacting families of vulnerable children and those with key worker status tomorrow to find out what provision is needed in school.
However, if you need an emergency placement for your child/children at school tomorrow (5th January) because all adults in the household are key workers and will be at work all day, and/or there is no other adult in your support or childcare bubble that could look after your child for tomorrow only, please can you email admin@bawdsey.suffolk.sch.uk with your child/children’s name, class and school before 10pm this evening.
Please do not bring your child to school tomorrow unless you hear back from us. We will be in contact with all families later tomorrow about longer term placements for those who require them and about online learning for your child.
Thank you for your support in this matter.