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Orford CEVA Primary School


CEVA Primary School


The BEST week of the year is just around the corner...  SCIENCE WEEK! (16th-20th March 2020)

As ever, we will have a multitude of exciting events going on throughout the whole week - please save the dates and attend as much as you are able to - learning together makes the experience so much more meaningful to the children.

Monday 16th - 1.30pm-2.45pm - Whole school investigation (it's not quite as explosive as last year's, but you are welcome to come and work with your children setting the experiment up and recording results)

Tuesday 17th - 1.30pm-2.45pm - Class 2 Parent (and grandparents, aunties, uncles etc.)Workshop - Our Wacky World - set up and carry out experiments with your child all to do with nature, our world and it's phenomena! 

Thursday 19th - Morning - Class 3's much anticipated SCIENCE FAIR! More information to be sent home nearer the time. 

Friday 20th - 8.45am - Whole school sharing assembly - each class will present the science learning they have undertaken that week and there will be awards for the "Scientist of the Week" in each year group, as well as a prize for the winners of our whole school experiment.